Most churches offer premarital classes, and many offer recovery from divorce, but few offer help for couples in crisis--especially for the abandoned spouse! Marriage 911 Online provides faith-based first response resources that work. Our resources are designed to use individually, rather than as a couple. Even if your spouse has one foot out the door, we believe there is hope!
We Care, and You Are Not Alone
We are Joe and Michelle Williams, and we know what it’s like to have a marriage in crisis. We were separated for two years in 1987. When we searched for help, we could only find programs that worked with couples, and we felt hopeless. Our reconciliation in 1989 resulted in the founding of The International Center for Reconciling God’s Way, Inc. (ICRGW), a non-profit, faith-based international organization. Our book, Yes, Your Marriage Can Be Saved, was published by Focus on the Family/Tyndale House in 2007, which led to our partnership with the National Institute of Marriage and licensed counselors, to create the Marriage 911: First Response 12-week workbook and Support Partner Handbook.
While we are endorsed by Focus on the Family, our Marriage 911: First Response Ministry is conducted entirely different than the 16-week Marriage 911 program at Focus: we do not provide couple’s counseling, and we do not meet with couples. Our ministry is designed to do one-on-one, with a same-gender support partner. For more information on how to use our resources, or if you are leader, click here. If you are in crisis click here.